Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Create Custom Oracle Web ADI

Oracle Web ADI(Application Desktop Integrator) is one of oracle EBS solution which has been integrated with desktop application, like Microsoft Word, Excel, and project. The word “Integrator” is mean metadata or other information that used to integrate that one. In Oracle EBS release 12, new oracle web adi can be created by Desktop Integration Framework. But in this post, I just want to share how to create web adi in oracle release 11.
In oracle release 11, oracle web adi can be created by some procedure in bne_integrator_utils api. The Main procedure in that api is create_integrator, create_interface_for_table, and create_default_layout.
Oracle web adi also can be built by Intregator Setup in each oracle module. In this case, I take sample in HR module.
Below all step to create custom web adi:

1. Create view object

View is used to get data from more than one table that will be put in desktop application. View could be created by sql tool like    TOAD, SQL Developer, etc.

Sample view :

(nipg, business_group_id, id_flex_num, effective_date, date_from, date_to, tahun, predikat, person_analysis_id, object_version_number, analysis_criteria_id )
-- put your query here

2. Create procedure in package

This procedure is used to insert or update data to oracle table based on data in desktop application. Procedure could be created by sql tool like TOAD, SQL Developer, etc.

Sample procedure :

Create or replace package pgn_call_sit
 procedure ins_upd_sit_success_factor
                   ( p_nipg in varchar2,
                     p_business_group_id IN NUMBER,
                     p_id_flex_num IN number,
                     p_effective_date IN DATE,
                     p_date_from IN date default null,
                     p_date_to IN date default null,
                     p_tahun IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_predikat IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_person_analysis_id in numberdefault null );


create or replace package body pkg_sample1 as

procedure ins_upd_sit_success_factor
                   ( p_nipg in varchar2,
                     p_business_group_id IN NUMBER,
                     p_id_flex_num IN number,
                     p_effective_date IN DATE,
                     p_date_from IN date default null,
                     p_date_to IN date default null,
                     p_tahun IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_predikat IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL,
                     p_person_analysis_id in numberdefault null )
      --put your code here ;     


3. Create Integrator

Integrator in Oracle apps works as bridge which connect desktop integrator and desktop integrator data (build by view). Integrator could be created by integrator setup in oracle module, like HR Integrator Setup.

Below step by step to create integrator using HR Integrator Setup :

a. Go to create document menu in desktop integrator responsibility.
Navigator : Desktop Integrator -> create document

b. After create document menu chosen, we will get user interface like image below. Choose “Excel 2003″ in field viewer if using release 11 (R12 choose Excel 2007). After that click button next.

c. After that, choose “HR Integrator Setup” in field integrator and next.

d. In the next page, choose “Integrator Setup” at field layout and next.

e. After that, choose “None” in field content and next.

f. In the review page, click button create document.

g. When you choose “Create Document” button, confirmation pop up windows will appear. Click button “open” to open the document integrator and button “save” is used to save integrator document firstly before uploading to oracle apps.

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